Making Love With Her Ego

The ramblings of a young woman who if she were a man, she'd be a DANDY.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


AAHDFHEJRHEHR I'm so excited! Only 2 days until Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black are here to provide me with endless hahas. ENDLESS HAHAS I SAY!

OHOHOH and onlyl 13 days until HALLOWEEN! I plan to be swarthed in purple velvet, ready to do Prince proud.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


If you know me, you know that I love winged lions, or flions, as I like to call them. In fact, I love flions SO much that I have decided to tattoo one on my body. This is where I need your help. Being that I am indecisive and a tattoo is a pretty big decision, I need your help decided where on my body to have this mythical creature permanently etched into my skin.

I was thinking the back of the neck, but Chad said that's the new tramp stamp. Perhaps a small flion on my forearm? The children I work with would be fascinated by it.

Give a girl some advice!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Chili Dog Paradise

There is a new hot dog stand that has opened on Duval and 45th. It's named Big Daddy's and the proprietors are very friendly. I had the Texas Dog, a hot dog topped with ranch dressing, chili, cheese, and onions (well, no onions for me of course). It was fucking delicious. It fell apart on me, but that was okay, because it just meant chili and cheese just fell all over my fries. FREE CHILI CHEESE FRIES Y'ALL! Also, a fork was provided for my convenience.

In closing, excellent chili dogs, fresh crinkle fries, friendly owners, pleasant outdoor seating (it was just in a parking lot, but I felt very pleased and comfortable.), Big Daddy's is the fucking best.

If you don't eat there, and they close down, I will kick your ass.

P.S. They have veggie dogs for all you fancypants.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


OMG it's been over a month. September was a shitty month. It was way too busy. You know how I hate anything that involves effort.

  • I've started working at the elementary school again. The other day I was playing basketball with some 3rd and 4th graders and I fell down twice. I like that in a group of 9 year olds, I am the most uncoordinated.
  • Bitten: A Zombie Rock Odyssey opened last Friday. There were a few technical problems, but overall I think it went rather well. The reviewer for the Chronicle came on opening night. WTF?
  • I am trying to work up the courage to quit my job. I am such a pussy. I hate confrontations. I am considering submitting my two-weeks notice via email. What do you think?
Really though, I need a new job. If you have an suggestions or leads, let me know.