I auditioned for Bitten! A Zombie Rock Odyssey yesterday night. I think it went well, all I had to do is sing a song, which is one of the few things I truly excel at. I sang Blue Collar Man by Styx. Now, I've got to admit, I can sing the bejeezus out of that song. Tommy Shaw really has his work cut out for him when I'm around. If I don't get a callback I will be baffled, no one can resist the Styx.
But all is not right. I was disturbed at the number of 15 year old girls at the audition. One girl had braces and another one was with her mother. Now, I am not the most mature lady in the world, but I know for a fact that if I spend any considerable amount of time with these girls, their delicate eggshell adolescent minds will be fucked FO' LIFE! Anyone who knows me knows this is the absolute truth. EXCELLENT.

There sure a lot of zombies on the minds of film/theater folks lately. Is that a comment on the state of the nation?
When do you find out if you get called back?
Hmm, I don't know. I haven't been contacted yet. Perhaps they CAN resist the Styx!
Oh, I got a callback a mere 10 minutes later. Patience is a virtue Jonathon.
Congrats! How they could they resist YOU, Letty? They'd be INSANE if they didn't cast you.
Good luck, Letty Loo! I'm sure you will be the STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also have to thank you for another blog. Now I have 4 things to check in between Party
COngrats on the Zombie Musical. Is it fun?
How's about your boyfriend, Keith getting the boot from Runway?
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